Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wedding Pictures

Since we're new at this blogging thing, I thought it would be good to start with posting a few pictures from our August 25, 2007 wedding. Thank you so much to all who put so much effort into making our day so special and to all of our relatives that came from all over the country (and The Netherlands) to support us. We are so grateful for all of you!

Waiting behind the stairs till the groom was in the sanctuary.

Paul and the wedding party waiting for Rebecca.

Rebecca and Daddy Knottnerus

Pastor David Sunday praying.

Our youngest groomsmen - Joseph K. and Dennis F.

The bride and her attendants.

The groom and the bridesmaids.

The groomsmen!

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Freidel

The Happy Couple!

A lovely day for bubbles!

West coast here we come!

P.S. Thank you Alicia, Mr. Reed, and Uncle Sam for the pictures!


Dawn said...

Yeah! You have a blog! :)
Great pictures!

Amy said...

I see myself in the bubble picture. . . that's funny!